Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last Day of School 2009

The last day of school is always bittersweet. It means saying goodbye to friends that you've spent all year with and will probably not see during the summer, yet hello to summertime activities like sleeping in, going camping, and swimming all day long.
I managed to catch the kids on the last day of school. They have grown and learned so much over the past year. Hunter has completed his speech therapy and finished kindergarten. Shianne has completed 3rd grade and finished her first year in the Starz Performing company.
I am so proud of both of them. It's so hard to believe how fast they grow. There are days I still feel 23 years old, but then I look at my beautiful daughter and handsome son, and realize that I am aging too. I just hope I'm doing it as gracefully as they are!!

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