Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My goal this month is to update my blog. I've fallen so far behind that it's really almost impossible to completely update it, but I'd at least like to get some new stuff up and running, and get reconnected with my fellow bloggers. I feel that it is an important outlet for me, and a great way to share things with my family, friends, etc.

In addition, I would like to set up a seperate blog for my baking and photography - two things which I hope to get more involved with in the coming year. So keep an eye out for that one!

Finally, need to do something with my book blog. It got to the point that I was just putting everything that I read on there, with a synopsis of the book. What I would like for it to be is a place where I share books that I really enjoyed (not just read) and an explanation of WHY I enjoyed them and WHY I'd like to share them with others.

So big goals. Busy mom. We'll see how it turns out. Maybe a few of you out there will help keep me accountable and motivated. :-)

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